David & Carol spoke to the Scott's Plains Kiwanis Club about the Komets and they generously gave a donation of $1,060.00. We were invited to speak by Mike Mulvaney, on the board of the Peterborough Community Church Hockey League. THANKS, Mike!
Getting on Board:
We met with Bryan Cathcart, owner of the Liftlock Stars OHA Juniors, and he has offered to pass along good, used equipment, sticks, gloves & bags, etc. He will also hand-pick some of his players to act as coaches for our players. He is excited about the formation of the Kawartha Komets and we're happy to have Bryan on board.

Our nephew, Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators has agreed to serve as the honorary captain of the Kawartha Komets. He will make one or two appearances, as his schedule permits, on our behalf for fundraising purposes and to increase team awareness
Coaches Corner:
Andrew Miller, a local high school teacher, and his associate are running a Goalie Camp in Peterborough this summer. They have offered to work with our players once or twice a month.
We are looking for individuals who have experience working with children with special needs to act as skating instructors, coaches and volunteers. Someone with First Aid training is needed as well.
On the Calendar:
David and Carol will be speaking to the Kawartha Rotary Club on August 5th to increase awareness of the Komets.
Thank You:
Bob Prole, who served as a referee for our exhibition game in April, kindly donated the fees for his services back to the Kawartha Komets. His is excited about what we are doing and has offered his help and expertise in any way he can. Thank you, Bob!
Peterborough Kids:
Please check out our ad in the June/July issue of Peterborough Kids magazine and look for our challenge to other localities to form a team like the Komets under "Fridge Notes" in the August/September issue.
Bank Account:
We have opened a bank account in the name of The Kawartha Komets. Thanks to Karen Kerr for volunteering to be a signing officer.
WANTED - Board Members:
We are actively seeking individuals who desire to serve on the Kawartha Komets board. Please call Carol @ 750-0655.
Congrats to you guys for all this great work so far. What a great start. Can't wait for it all to begin.